Wednesday, November 18, 2015

America? Really? Can we prove it?

In the wake of recent terrorist attacks and American attitudes regarding our countries place in the world, concerning those in need, I just have a few questions... well, more than a few, but I'll start with these. The two biggies...

Are you telling me that God can’t handle this? Because that’s all I’m hearing. Do you have the faith to love as Christ calls you to? He said nothing about “practicing” God’s love – he just said do it! And he showed us how to do it in a colossal and ultimate display of sublime and unsurpassed, unconditional love. He says nothing of giving us “a pass” for not doing so.

So many American Christians would have us contort the order of law in our country to align our Republic with Christian principles (which ones no one is completely able to agree upon) and yet we are not a Christian nation – forget the forefathers and their intent – that has become a flimsy excuse for bad behavior today. We as a nation, here today, are not practicing Christ’s love. Not in our homes – look at the bullying taught to children by parents and practiced by their well-schooled progeny; not on our streets in our attitudes toward the poor and the sick; not in the churches who are steeped in politics and competing for the biggest and best buildings/parishioners/ status/coffers – not the most loving and pastorally effective ministry. And certainly not in our bi-partisan, religiously charged politics (not unlike the politics of some of the very people we currently despise).

JESUS said of our enemies:

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” - Matthew 5:44

He didn’t say love your enemies, if... when... maybe... And even back in the Old Testament:

“A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense.” - Proverbs 19:11

So do we have the faith and the courage to do what “The Book” and the son of God, upon whom we claim to build our faith and strengthen our society commanded? Even when it’s uncomfortable - even if it's scary - just as Jesus did. He did not pick and choose. In fact, he placed himself in the midst of his enemies for the sake of all humanity in order to show us the love he commands that we practice. Do we really have the courage of his blood? Does the might of his sacrifice really course through our veins and swell our hearts with the kind of transformative love and peace that “passeth understanding”?

But, such love is not cheap, and yet Jesus commands us:

“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” - Matthew 19:11

Unless, of course, you subscribe to the utterly man-made and perfectly convenient “prosperity theology” – convenient... unlike “the path”.

So if you claim to be an American and a Christian; and you believe that America is a Christian nation; and you do not love as Christ did - without discrimination or hesitation - I question if you are truly either one. If you were, you would know in your heart of hearts that a Christian nation under God’s love can handle whatever comes its way. It can welcome the stranger and the enemy and show God’s transformative love and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s love is big enough. Do you not believe that our current anger and hatred is creating more “evil”? And I’m not just talking about our disdain for our enemies, but our fellow Americans when they believe differently and/or disagree with our point of view. It amounts to self-hatred as a nation. Not a respectful, peace-loving and loving people.

If you are walking in his light then open your arms and hearts and welcome those in need, with God’s optimism – that is his gift to those who truly believe. And if you can’t, then who and what are you really? If we, as a nation, can’t – then who and what are we really? Not America! And certainly not a Christian nation. So what are we? Do we have what it takes? Or will we just continue to fight and horde our riches and grab all that we can get, any way we can get it, while we can get it - and despise those who don’t fit with our idyllic lives?

True freedom is to live without the heavy weight of prejudice and hatred - if we allow ourselves to hate, despise and condemn others, we imprison ourselves and doom our own souls. Just like the church – America is her people. It’s tough to be us – great, but tough. Are we tough enough? Faithful enough? American enough?